Schedule, Speakers & Talks: All-in-One

This is the road plan for our conference, which will be held at FEUP. We are currently preparing the program, so please be patient!

14:00 14:15


Let's get this party started!

Public welcoming and introduction of the conference topics and program.

Professor Raul Vidal

He is the current Director of Informatics Engineering Department (DEI), Associate Professor of DEI, and Cofounder and leader of Software Engineering R&D Lab of DEI.

14:15 14:30

Your idea, their money

Crowdfunding Money Network

We will expose the concept behind crowd funding networks. The talk will cover topics ranging from 5/6 good examples of success projects (and respective networks) to explaining how you can become one of them with your idea, and their money.

Hélder Moreira

He is currently finishing his Master's in Software Engineering and is one of the organizers of the conference.

Tiago Babo

He is currently finishing his Master's in Software Engineering and is one of the organizers of the conference.

14:30 15:00

Tabletip Games - a crowd funding story

Crowdfunding Money Network

Tabletip Games is a portuguese startup that recently released the card game Vem aí a Troika! The talk is about our experience with crowd funding and how we used it to help us develop and promote the game. We will go through topics like the initial idea, the crowd funding platform, the importance of social media, legal aspects, and what lessons have we learned.

Marco Vala

He grew up with computer games. Never had a Spectrum, but he spent hours with an Amstrad when DOS was in version 1.0! His favourite games always been strategic games like Civilization's saga and discovering board games was a natural step ahead. He began with the inevitable Settlers of Catan and since then his collections hasn't stop growing. He likes simple but with decisions' depth. He teaches Computer Graphics, Human-Computer Interfaces, and 3D Programming in Simulations and Games at IST Lisbon.

15:00 15:15

Information everywhere, systems in your pocket

Information Systems IT Technologies

Don't you know what IT are? So why do you let them be part of your life? Why do you let them change your company? We will show the importance of Information Technologies in your day-life and IT's key role in the success of modern organizations and decision making. How much information have you right now in your pocket?

Luís Gomes

He is currently finishing his Master's in Software Engineering and is one of the organizers of the conference.

Luís Dias

He is currently finishing his Master's in Software Engineering and is one of the organizers of the conference.

15:15 15:45

Service Enginnering


In this keynote, J. Falcão e Cunha will introduce some insights that come from his theoretical and experimental work in Software Engineering and Information Systems for the past 20 years.

João Falcão e Cunha

João Falcão e Cunha is a lecturer and researcher at the School of Engineering of the University of Porto. He holds a PhD in Computing Science from Imperial College London (1989), a MSc in Operations Research from Cranfield University (1984) and a first degree in Electrical Engineering from the School of Engineering of the University of Porto (1983).

He is a member of the ACM and the IEEE - Computer Society. He has been involved with theoretical and experimental work in Software Engineering and Information Systems for the past 20 years. His research interests include decision support systems, graphical user interfaces, object-oriented modeling and service engineering and management. Currently he coordinates at FEUP the integrated master programme in Industrial Engineering and Management, and the master programme in Service Engineering and Management. He is a member of the Executive Committee of ERCIM, the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics, and the Academic Director of the IBM Center for Advanced Studies in Portugal (IBM CAS Portugal).

15:45 16:00

Born to be wise

MOOC Education Life-long learning

Education has always been a hot discussion topic. Recently there’s a lot of fuss on how can we disrupt education; don’t sit down because it’s happening now! This talk will focus on Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC), starting from their origins, their depth when compared with traditional learning tools (schools), and why we think they will change education and life-long learning. Our personal goal is to encourage the audience to embrace MOOC and try them as soon as they find a computer available.

Tiago Varela

He's into indie games, physical hacking, and formula 1.

16:00 16:30

What a software tester really does?

Software Quality

The role of a tester is to identify what is wrong, analyse the impact and flag that issue to be fixed. Is that it?
Luís will share his findings about the challenges a software tester faces on very different companies such as a startup (Mobicomp), a multinational software corporation (Microsoft) and an independent software testing agency (Maincheck).

Luís Desport

He is the CEO and cofounder Maincheck. He is currently the Secretary General of PSTQB — Associação Portuguesa de Testes de Software.

16:30 17:00



Gamification has been a hot topic in the past few year. But what exactly is gamification? Why should we adopt it? What other players are adopting? In this keynote, Norberto Amaral will discuss this and related topics with gamification as common ground.

Norberto Amaral

He is the co-organizer of TEDxO'Porto and Vice President of Education at a local chapter of Toastmasters.

17:00 17:15

Gamifying Education

Gamification Serious Games Changing Education

Nowadays, our education system is based on a step-by-step evolution that poses our society with a very slow grade of adaptability. Our proposal is to present a complete new way of teach our students, based on the logic envolved in every strategy game from success points achieved on every single goal to a healthy competition among them based on scores instead of simple grades. In this system, we could have a much greater success of our education system at the same time we keep evolving into a new ways of thinking. The goal here is to achieve a high level of adaptation to society evolution and needs at the same time we grant them access to new skills to aproach their own success.

João Carvalho

He is currently finishing his Master's in Software Engineering and is one of the organizers of the conference.

Ricardo Amorim

He is currently finishing his Master's in Software Engineering and is one of the organizers of the conference.

17:15 17:30

Coffee break

17:30 17:45

If you’re not paying for it; you are the product!

Data Privacy Privacy Policies Terms of Service Free Services' trade-off

Everyday we are offered a load of attractive free services and products, from social networks to free software and games. But behind those services there is always a trade-off: How is your privacy being handled by service providers? What kind of sensitive information are “you” making available for third parties? Can you really guarantee that any of your personal information is never published on the Internet? In this talk we are going to answer these questions by analyzing the privacy policies of the most used services nowadays.

Joel Ferreira

He is currently finishing his Master's in Software Engineering and is one of the organizers of the conference.

Pedro Pontes

He is currently finishing his Master's in Software Engineering and is one of the organizers of the conference.

Gonçalo Araújo

He is currently finishing his Master's in Software Engineering and is one of the organizers of the conference.

17:45 18:15

Make a bit – Protect Privacy!

Data Privacy Privacy Policies Terms of Service Free Services' trade-off

Privacy is undoubtedly on world’s agenda. The increasing risks to privacy triggered by technological developments raise much concern nowadays. Citizens’ rights are being violated every day, so it’s time to rethink how we can better use technology in benefit of individuals while protecting them from abuse. Privacy by Design is a key concept to this purpose. If technology raises the problem it can also provide the solution. First be aware, then be creative!

Clara Guerra

Clara Guerra is a senior consultant for International and Communication Affairs at the Portuguese Data Protection Authority (CNPD), where she works since 1997. She is a member of the Joint Supervisory Authorities of Europol, Schengen and Custom Information System since 2003, and also a member of the coordination supervision groups of Eurodac and VIS. She participates in several subgroups of the EU Data Protection Group (Article 29 Working Party) and in the Ibero-american Network of Data Protection (RIPD).
She coordinates DADUS Project, a raising awareness program for children at schools, promoted by CNPD. She is a regular speaker in national and international conferences and seminars. (Jan 2013).

18:15 18:30

Marketing Challenges in Web 2.0

Social Marketing Web 2.0 Social Networks

In this talk, we will analyze in what way the Web 2.0 and social networks in particular have changed companies marketing plans in the past few years, ie, understand why is it so important for companies to be on facebook and other social networks, analyze cases of success and failure and from that draw some conclusions about the best practices that companies should follow.

André Marinho

He is currently finishing his Master's in Software Engineering and is one of the organizers of the conference.

João Ferreira

He is currently finishing his Master's in Software Engineering and is one of the organizers of the conference.

18:30 19:00

Bullet and the Shield: Freedom and Censorship Competition in the Digital Era

Censorship Digital freedom

The decentralized nature of the Internet created unique conditions for humans to exchange information, create knowledge, develop in the most unusual ways. Great amplifier of culture, the Internet created an absolutely new environment for the key fields of people's political and social activity: new dimensions of freedom of speech, freedom of assembly (a virtual assembly), creation of communities, etc. Yet, as powerful as are the new possibilities of the disruptive technology to change our way of life, the more powerful are the possibilities of those actors that reject change, authoritarian governments being the most influential. Post-Soviet space exemplifies this complex rivalry of pro-change and contra-change processes. Who will win? Will the Web change Humanity or the humans will successfully limit, fragmentize and finally destroy it?

Alexey Sidorenko

The director of Teplitsa (Greenhouse) of Social Technologies. Born in Moscow. Graduated from the Moscow State University and defended Ph.D thesis there. Currently finishing MA thesis in the Warsaw University, Poland. Worked in Carnegie Moscow Center from 2005 till 2008 in the “Society and Regions” programm. Warsaw-based head of Teplitsa of Social Technologies (Russia), former Global Voices editor.

19:00 19:15

Closing Remarks

Farewell Talk a Bit 2013

Final remarks about the conferece.

Raul Vidal

He is the current Director of Informatics Engineering Department (DEI), Associate Professor of DEI, and Cofounder and leader of Software Engineering R&D Lab of DEI.

Ademar Aguiar

He is Software Enginnering Professor at FEUP. He's interested in agile methodologies and education. He founded schoooools, a startup focusing on disrupting education.

21:00 23:00

Speednetworking Meetup

Meetup, speednetworking, fun

Join us in our Speednetworking Meetup with Linda Sandberg. The meeting poing? Downtown, at Café Progresso. An informal and awesome place for networking and talk a bit.

Linda Copylinda Sandberg

Linda Sandberg, Community Manager Digidel 2013 (a campaign to raise digital inclusion in Sweden), Owner of Copylinda, Vice Chair ISOC-SE the Swedish Chapter of Internet Societys - our vision is "The Internet is for everyone!" Core team of Geek Girl Meetup (an un-conference for geeky girls interested in web, code and business development. Our goal is to create new networks and elevate female role models in the industry. And have fun of course.) Member of DFRI (We work against censorship, limitations on freedom of speech and privacy. Our goal is a society with the absolute minimum of surveillance, tracking and wiretapping).